14 Things You Shouldn't Forget when Getting Set For A Live Video Interview

Image result for Getting Set For A Live Video Interview
Not only for job seekers but also for any business/official meeting, other than the CV part. Take up these 14 notes before commencing a skype interview, zoom or which-soever that demands a live video interaction, ensure you get them covered and, you’re right at the top of the consideration list. This List was compiled from a professional HR.

DON’T forget to:

Test audio and camera.
Elevate your laptop to avoid staring down into the camera.
Dress professionally from at least the waist up.
Position yourself at a desk or table, against a plain, neutral background( best to be recorded behind a white wall so the video won’t look cluttered).
Check the lighting in the room.
Close all other applications on your laptop.
Silence your cell phone, and disable vibration alert.
Have a copy of your CV/Resume at hand. (see how to prepare your CV below)
Attach post - its around the laptop screen with prompts, and the questions you wish to ask the interviewer.
Ban kids, pets and spouses from the room for the duration of the interview.
Have pen and paper at hand.
Have a glass of water next to you.
Always be careful of facial expressions we sometimes don’t realize(be cognizant of hand gestures as well). Read this article on improving calmness
Check the power connections/backups of your laptop computer and mobile phone (Having an alternate internet connection sorted i.e a ready dedicated mobile hotspot internet connection in case of the primary internet connection glitches-up)


Don’t forget to talk into the camera, not into the screen! Have verified a telephone number of your interviewer beforehand in case the power is off or you may experience loss of net signal? You may continue your interview by phone if anything goes wrong during the call. It’s easy to get excited and forget to ask for a phone number, We panic, we feel lost and devastated, anxious if they ever call back, seconds are ticking, we check our equipment again and again…and if we are lucky enough and they call back we appear to be out of focus, see how to get things click immediately

Obviously you will have prepped ahead of time; will know your transferable skills; will have practiced C.A.R. and C.A.R.L. technique and competency-based sample questions.

You will have thoroughly researched the company, know who the interviewer is, and will have prepared 3 questions to ask that person.

What does C.A.R and C.A.R.L mean ? how does a fresher arrange CV?
You will definitely find this post resourceful.

READ MORE: onegoodheadm

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